Holding new-builds to a higher standard

Editorial Type: News Date: 2021-02-01 Views: 2,271 Tags: Construction PDF Version:
A new organisation to champion consumer rights and ensure new-build homes are built to a high standard has been launched by the government.

Natalie Elphicke MP will chair the new homes quality board, which will oversee consultation on a new industry code of practice and new homes ombudsman service.

"The new arrangements will lead to a step-change in how new homes are built and sold and how customers are treated. The board is committed to driving new-build quality and strengthening protections for buyers," said Ms Elphicke.

The code of practice will require developers to have an effective complaints procedure with timelines by which they have to address any problems that may arise. The new homes code will place more demands on builders from the sales process up to two years after the buyers move in.
