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2024 eNewsletters
December - Featuring
I thought it would be interesting to focus on the major challenges that we will be facing within the energy industry over the next few years.
How Construction Equipment Management Technology is Changing Construction
An important part of construction's slow and steady embrace of digital transformation...
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November - Featuring
It's always a manic couple of months leading up to our annual Construction Computing Awards - and this one, the 18th, has proved to be no exception.
Gotham comes to London
Nicknamed the 'Gotham City' project, 40 Leadenhall Street is one of the largest buildings to have...
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October - Featuring
You know the rest of the quote - from 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'.You could probably apply it to the majority of the water courses in the United Kingdom, beset, as they are, by water companies emptying sewage into them and the run-off from farmers applying fertiliser to their fields...
Streamlined water quality schemes
Bentley Systems' Paul Rotter explains how Mott MacDonald standardises phosphorous removal schemes...
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September - Featuring
It's fascinating to see how the Digital Twin concept has developed over the last decade or so, since the concept was first mooted by Bentley Systems.
Digital twins in the building stock
Real Estate Manager BENO relies on Nemetschek's dTwin to set up and manage its diverse building portfolio
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August - Featuring
There is one area of growth in the Construction Industry that can either be a curse or a blessing. The increase in building regulations, including the latest Building Safety Act, adds an additional burden to those a contractor is facing - skilled labour shortages, rising costs, environmental pressures and so on
Getting ahead of the curve
Lovell Leverages AI and 360 degree photo capture for building safety compliance excellence
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July - Featuring
Waking up to a not entirely unexpected announcement of a Labour Victory in the General Election gives me the opportunity to look positively ahead for the rest of the year
As AI continues to transform construction ALICE Technologies has teamed up with Oracle on...
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June - Featuring
RAAC (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete) is a lightweight material that has been used in flat roofing, floors and walls since the 1950s - and, as one description puts it, it's aerated and bubbly, like an Aero chocolate bar
Airedale General Hospital manages its RAAC risk with an innovative geospatial system from Esri UK
Airedale General Hospital manages its RAAC risk with an innovative geospatial system from Esri UK
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May - Featuring
Round about the time Georg Nemetschek was thinking about using computers to advance his architectural dreams, I was writing my first software program in 2k of memory using machine code
BIM & Tonic
Nemetschek recently celebrated its 60th year with the launch of an innovative digital twin application...
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April - Featuring
With 19% of those employed in the construction industry set to retire in the next 5-10 years, you would have thought that the rising population in the UK would provide sufficient replacement fodder for the industry
David Chadwick discusses the rationale behind the launch of Twinview with Rob Charlton, the CEO of Space Group
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March - Featuring
You may have missed the report that 350,000 (sic) houses have been canned in the State of Voctoria, Australia, because of the discovery of several ‘earless dragons’ - previously thought to be extinct. Their usual habitat just...
Meeting the BNG challenge
AtkinsRéalis create a solution to meet new biodiversity net gain legislation
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February - Featuring
I was delighted to be able to use the submission from Dylan Baliski for the Vectorworks Student Design Competition as an example of the quality of work being shown by young architects on the verge of entering the profession
Loch on wood
Dylan Baliski at the University of Dundee has won a 2023 Vectorworks Design Scholarship in the Architecture...
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January - Featuring
I can remember working for a Japanese printer manufacturer who wanted to expand into the small 'floppy' disk market – when 3 inch disks were vieing with 3.5 inch disks for supremacy
Tried and tested
IFCs have been around for quite some time for data exchange and are now just one of several common...
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2023 eNewsletters
December - Featuring
I came across this quote on my 'go to' political website: "If you value intelligence above all other human qualities, you're going to have a bad time". It's very relevant as intelligence is featuring highly on most platforms...
Infrastructure intelligence
The focus of Bentley's 2023 Year in Infrastructure conference, besides honouring the...
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November - Featuring
The 17th Hammers. held last Thursday, was a well-attended, lively and entertaining event. A great occasion to meet up with old friends, make new contacts and, of course, be in with a chance to win one of the Construction Computing...
Delivering power in style
The Hydro Ness, an architecturally striking hydroelectric generation project, has been delivered...
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October - Featuring
China is teaching its children about the pitfalls of democracy and its role in scuppering the development of large infrastructure projects, and it is using HS2 as a prime example. An easy target perhaps, but there are others
DBM Vircon uses its design engineering experts and the latest technology to transform standard structural designer's...
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September - Featuring
A lot has been said about Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (otherwise now well-known as RAAC) in the news this month, with many within and without the industry pitching in with their opinions - informed or otherwise
A megabuild marvel in Mayfair
McGee uses Asta Powerproject to make the 'impossible' Mayfair Hotel Megabuild a reality
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August - Featuring
Having cropped up twice in this issue and in May's issue, I thought the Rework Problem deserved a spot of its own
Why digital transformation is the key to boosting construction profit margins
The UK construction industry is facing a prolonged crisis of low profit margins and loss - but digital transformation can offer a way forward
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July - Featuring
With Bentley's Industrial Metaverse in the last newsletter, and Vectorworks' Life, the Omniverse and Everything in this one, the construction industry appears to be finally shaking off its image as a 'slow adopter of technology'
Life, the Omniverse and everything
Vectorworks 2023 Service Pack 4 focuses on the latest technologies to enhance the capabilities of...
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June - Featuring
Humans were averse to getting their feet wet long before Dunlop Wellington boots were invented and started to build bridges where once they trundled through river fords. Early examples, built by the Romans were massively over-engineered and many of the stone structures they erected still exist today...
Building bridges
Nemetschek's Allplan has recently been used to design and construct some of the most stylistic...
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May - Featuring
Yellow, not Red, is the colour of revolution. Hi-Vis Yellow to be exact. Red is the colour of the paint that Stop the Oil protesters spray statues and other artefacts with and the archaic gowns that Extinction Rebellion wear when they disrupt other people's lives...
Access Construction Roundtable: What's New in Construction?
The Access Group recently held a roundtable discussion covering trends in the construction industry...
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April - Featuring
I am delighted to be able to use the Mabey Hire case study – Behind the Facade - to illustrate the growing debate about retrofitting buildings to meet the environmental zero-carbon targets...
Behind the facade
Historic buildings may look beautiful but they're not without their challenges, especially when it comes to repurposing...
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March - Featuring
HS2 appears to be taking a bit of a battering this week, as the costs continue to escalate against a faltering economy and rising cost of living. It's a shame for a number of reasons. In this country few people (and I suppose journalists must figure at the front of the queue) are prepared to take the long term view...
Keeping asset management data on track
The UK's Light Rail system aims for digital adoption to manage its current and future linear assets
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February - Featuring
Taking the dog for his morning walk in Minehead I pass the Lifeboat Station, a Victorian building which is being upgraded - adding a new section at the end with a copper roof. A copper roof? That's the most expensive type of roofing you can install...
On board with Tekla Tedds
The latest version of Tekla Tedds provides much more than just a library of engineering calculations for structural and civil engineers, writes David Chadwick
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January - Featuring
The current rail strikes are causing chaos in the country far beyond the dislocation of people's travel plans. COVID has already changed many peoples working habits, re-inforcing the demand to work from home, or to adopt hybrid working patterns...
A vessel for change
How Powerhouse Company created the unique, sustainable Floating Office Rotterdam
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2022 eNewsletters
December - Featuring
At the risk of repeating myself from last year around this time, it's time to focus on the strange anomaly of a construction industry rapidly going digital and employing the latest technology to meet a number of huge challenges...
The Year in Infrastructure
Bentley's 2022 Year in Infrastructure conference expanded the company's digital twin vision by introducing new features for the iTwin platform and exploring projects that leveraged the technology
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November - Featuring
The Government appears to have lost sight of the ball at the moment – that is the race to Net Zero carbon emissions – with the new Prime Minister dithering about whether to attend the next round of COP27 due to take place in Egypt...
Fabricate smarter with PowerFab
When it comes to reducing the construction industry's environmental impact, a lot of attention rightfully falls on the initial design and engineering stages of a project.
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October - Featuring
You build a motor car and put it on the market, and if the public like it, they will buy thousands of them. Its design, performance, price, durability and value for money will reap its own rewards. We don’t have the luxury of a mass market...
A fluid situation
Highlighting and mitigating the risks in water distribution using digital twins is the focus of Bentley's OpenFlows WaterSight, writes David Chadwic
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September - Featuring
The battle to reduce carbon emissions has taken a back seat whilst we figure out how we are going to cope with hugely expensive energy bills. It all seems a bit introspective as we balance the well-being of our domestic households and...
Visualising carbon
3D Repo provides an API that allows designers to view embodied carbon within the building components and methods of construction in their 3D models
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August - Featuring
As Hinckley Point B closes down, inevitable after extending its expected 30 year life for another 15 years or so, the spotlight is thrown again on the rising cost of generating electricity and its impact on the public. The closure was...
Extending Reality
Bentley Systems implements extended reality, using NVIDIA's CloudXR, to push the boundaries of digital realities for the ITER fusion reactor project
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July - Featuring
Last year's Hammers Awards marked a significant departure from earlier events, being entertained by two opera singers from Covent Garden...
ALICE's adventures overground
ALICE (ArtificiaL Intelligence Construction Engineering) is being used to supplement the 'optioneering' of planners and project managers working on...
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June - Featuring
The UK Government appears to be concerned about the rise in late payments within the industry. This comes amidst speculation that the situation is only going to get significantly worse, as Main Contractors start to feel the impact...
Late payments: what's the real impact and how can you tackle it?
David Chadwick looks at the challenge of late payments within the construction industry, with reference to a blog post by Carol Massay, Head...
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May - Featuring
There have been a number of sightings of ‘Nessie’ recently, ahead of the summer season for Loch Ness and the Cairngorms – although I am not saying they are connected. The videos, as always, are from far away, a bit shaky, and show nothing...
Project success through model leadership
In a world full of complex construction projects, advancing technology alone won't guarantee success argues Andrew McNaughton, Infrastructure Sector...
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April - Featuring
Where is our energy going to come from over the ten or twenty years? We aren’t heavily reliant on gas from Russia – a mere 4% compared to Germany’s 40% and more – but as the European countries wean themselves off the Russian teat...
Transpennine Route Upgrade
Network Rail + Jacobs were the winners of the Rail and Transit category in Bentley Systems' Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure, held virtually...
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March - Featuring
After COVID19, Climate Change, Net Zero Carbon, material shortages, skill and young labour shortages, we are facing another round of shortages – that of superlatives. Against that, though, we have to acclaim Vladimir Putin’s...
How technology collaboration is driving Net-Zero Carbon success
By Mark Coates, International Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, Bentley Systems
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February - Featuring
We've gone in pretty hard on the time bomb sitting under the construction industry - the shortage of people entering the profession to replace those who are nearing retirement age. Together with the Access Group...
Jobs for the old boys?
Where is the next generation of skilled construction professionals going to come from? The Access Group has some suggestions...
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January - Featuring
The Government appears to consider the last two horrific years an opportunity to reset the clock – and to Build Back Better. Yes, I know that it doesn't just relate to the construction industry, but to the whole of industry...
The project predictor
It's rare that a company completes a project both on schedule and within cost. David Chadwick looks at Safran Software's Cost/Schedule Risk Analysis...
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2021 eNewsletters
December - Featuring
Taking your kids to the seaside is a useful exercise as it prepares them for the realities of life – the gap between expectations and ernest endeavours – so the response from one quarter to COP26 was not entirely unexpected...
How digital twin technology can help fight climate change
Following on from COP26, Don MacLean, Founder of IES, which has been at the forefront of building performance and sustainability, shares his company's...
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November - Featuring
Environmental groups have been building up the pressure for this weeks COP26 conference in Glasgow – with Insulate Britain and Extinction Rebellion amongst others 'stepping on the gas'...
Cost Value Reconciliation
A comprehensive Cost Value Reconciliation scheme should enable you to both manage and stay one step ahead of our current material and labour shortages...
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October - Featuring
First it was a shortage of skilled labour – nothing to do with Brexit or the pandemic, just an endemic factor of the construction industry. Then the workers we brought in from abroad to fill the gaps went back home and that was exacerbated by COVID-19 and lockdown...
The Soul of a Building
Oh my goodness, we've gotta build this thing!
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September - Featuring
How on earth can you take a positive away from the COVID19 pandemic? There's no doubt it has utterly transformed people's lives, and our working and commuting patterns....
Challenges for Construction
Should current global crises be considered as challenges or opportunities? Are construction companies merely holding their heads above water, or should they...
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August - Featuring
How on earth can you take a positive away from the COVID19 pandemic? There's no doubt it has utterly transformed people's lives, and our working and commuting patterns....
Silver Service
Graphisoft introduces the 25th version of Archicad, setting new levels of growth despite the ravages of the pandemic
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July - Featuring
How on earth can you take a positive away from the COVID19 pandemic? There's no doubt it has utterly transformed people's lives, and our working and commuting patterns....
Aiming for the Stars
Archicad helped Patano Studio win an architectural award for their upgrade design for the Goldendale Observatory
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June - Featuring
Is the term ‘public rail operator’ the same as ‘nationalising the railway’? And, if so, is it really the Tory Government which is going to implement it? We live in changing times...
Boeing hangar proves sky is the limit for Tekla
Forming part of Boeing's strategic plans to expand its Global Fleet Care Service, the construction of a new Boeing Hangar at Gatwick was a significant project, with digital technology and BIM at the heart of its successful delivery
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May - Featuring
The built environment in Europe accounts for 40% of energy consumption and one third of CO2 emissions...
Turning the tide with Solibri
Evolve Consultancy is using Solibri on the Thames Tideway Tunnel project to ensure the speedy and accurate sharing of model information with the three...
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April - Featuring
I take the dog down to the beach for a walk every morning around 7am and pass several hairdressers on the way...
Aiming for Net-Zero Carbon
ICE President Rachel Skinner recently spoke about the need for urgent action to tackle carbon emissions as part of Bentley's TwinTalks series...
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March - Featuring
I thought I would settle down in a comfortable armchair, laptop fully-charged, anything throwable at the TV moved out of reach and a nice bowl of popcorn on a nearby coffee table whilst I flicked between the budget and Holyrood...
Principal Tower
WSP has utilised Bentley's technology to overcome complex challenges in delivering a new high-rise tower in London, subsequently winning the Structural Engineering...
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February - Featuring
Some very basic comparisons can be made between two different industries and how they are weathering the pandemic. The retail industry...
Total Access
The acquisition of EasyBuild by The Access Group starts 2021 off with a strengthened line-up of management software and services for the construction industry
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January - Featuring
Now that a deal has been signed with the EU it is to be hoped that the next couple of years will be spent sorting out what works and what doesn't and working to become partners with the Common Market...
Showing off
Marionette gives Origin Studios an extra tweak to Vectorworks for their designs for museum exhibitions
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2020 eNewsletters
December - Featuring
The Governments changes to the planning laws last July aren’t an opportunity to tear down the walls between town and country – and to decimate protected green spaces – but to create an opportunity...
Treats in store
IN 2021 Autodesk University will be releasing three significant additions to their range of software solutions for the construction industry, writes David Chadwick
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November - Featuring
The Governments changes to the planning laws last July aren’t an opportunity to tear down the walls between town and country – and to decimate protected green spaces – but to create an opportunity...
Standing out from the crowd
Bentley's LEGION simulation software for predicting the movement of crowds and pedestrian flows through stations and airports is being used to plan socially distanced offices for the great, but limited, return to work
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October - Featuring
Autumn appears to be the most favourable time of the year for business Awards, giving you the chance to honour the companies who have impressed you the most over the last year or so...
Epson SureColor SC-T2100
Epson's new wireless A1 printer provides a perfect solution for architects and engineers who work in a small office, from home, or on-site, writes David Chadwick
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September - Featuring
I wonder how long it took the country to build the incredible network of railways we used to have before Dr Beeching wielded his infamous axe. It took well over a century and served the public incredibly well with even routes like the watercress and strawberry...
On the right track
Bentley's digital twin technology provides a model for the next generation of the country's rail infrastructure. Good enough for the next 150 years?
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August - Featuring
It’s been a difficult year, you might say, but there have been positives as well – particularly in the construction industry where software developers have been proactive in helping their customers adapt to working from home or in reconfiguring office space...
Motion control
Oasys has added social distancing to the capabilities of the agents of its pedestrian simulation application MassMotion, making it much easier for organisations to conduct proximity analyses
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July - Featuring
One of the best things about the easing of lockdown is being free to talk about things other than Coronavirus issues, and how we are going to modify our working habits to prevent the second phase descending on us this autumn. The industry hasn’t...
Going Big with Tekla
Appointed by Blackpool Pleasure Beach to help renovate and refurbish its infamous The Big One rollercoaster, Taziker Industrial knew that digital technology would have a significant part to play in the delivery of the project...
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June - Featuring
The events of the last four months have thoroughly altered the social attitudes of the country. Taking the dog for a walk at 6.30am next to the beach – usually deserted – half a dozen of us came together, properly distanced, and stood to chat...
WFH Works!
Marcus Earnshaw, Technology Director at HLM Architects explains how a collaborative approach is helping the company thrive in the work from home era
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May - Featuring
As countries gingerly probe the possibility of ending their particular brand of lockdown, the focus has been thrown on the types of business that need to get back to work, and whether particular segments of the populations should be asked to remain in isolation.
Making an asset of BIM
David Chadwick and Excitech's Daryn Fitz discuss how BIM can benefit asset owners
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April - Featuring
We have conflicting images here in the West Country. Work on a commercial building site has closed down, whilst buses are still picking up workers for Hinckley Point from their lodgings...
City scale digital twins for flood resilience
By Robert Mankowski, Vice President, Digital Cities at Bentley Systems
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March - Featuring
Who would have thought Brexit would trigger the Apocalypse? With plagues of locusts sweeping across the Asian and African continents
Distilling the essence of design
Thomas Mahon of Bimorph Digital Engineering explains the use of GenerativeComponents to calculate the mathematics behind The Macallan Distillery's distinctive and complex roof
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February - Featuring
That’s from a 1960's TV sitcom, but please don’t look it up, as it will feed your paranoia about stereotyping.
Distilling the essence of design
By Stuart Bell, Sales & Marketing Director at GroupBC
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January - Featuring
Griping with a friend about the indecision that still surrounds Brexit, he commented 'Actually it's a fine example of democracy in action'.
Futureproofing information
Andy Hudson, Director of global architects Chapman Taylor, explains to David Chadwick why the company is transitioning to Atvero's SharePoint-based PIM solution
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February - Featuring
That’s from a 1960’s TV sitcom, but please don’t look it up, as it will feed your paranoia about stereotyping.
Digital Twins: double trouble or the Holy Grail of digital estates?
By Stuart Bell, Sales & Marketing Director at GroupBC
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January - Featuring
Griping with a friend about the indecision that still surrounds Brexit, he commented 'Actually it's a fine example of democracy in action'.
Futureproofing information
Andy Hudson, Director of global architects Chapman Taylor, explains to David Chadwick why the company is transitioning to Atvero's SharePoint-based PIM solution
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2019 eNewsletters
December - Featuring
Griping with a friend about the indecision that still surrounds Brexit, he commented 'Actually it's a fine example of democracy in action'.
What makes a city smart?
Bentley Systems introduces OpenCities Planner to promote the development of Smart Cities
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November - Featuring
A Brexit without a deal is like a Full English Breakfast (with apologies to other countries slightly involved on the periphery) when you stay in a B&B or hotel...
Lean and mean
The efficiency of modularised construction is enhanced further by the Integration of VisiLean's Lean Construction BIM processes
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October - Featuring
A Brexit without a deal is like a Full English Breakfast (with apologies to other countries slightly involved on the periphery) when you stay in a B&B or hotel...
Brexit realities
Carol Massay, CEO of EasyBuild looks at the implications of Brexit for the construction industry, whatever the outcome on 31 October
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September - Featuring
Said to have been uttered by King Louis Xv of France in 1757 after the county’s disastrous defeat at the Battle of Rossbach. Since then, it has been adopted by various luminaries throughout Europe...
Floating the Arque
Re-flow helps Arque Construction build a unified on-site workflow management solution
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August - Featuring
I might get this past my sub-editor, or I might not. We are currently looking to engage an entertainer for the next Hammers Awards taking place on November the 14th – a comedian...
OpenSite Designer
OpenSite Designer integrates reality modelling, optimisation, and automated deliverables to accelerate digital twin advancements for civil site designers
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July- Featuring
Who decides what tenders a company should go after, and what criteria is used to define which of them are most suitable for the company to chase.....
What's your ratio for winning tenders? 1 in 5 or more? The ability to collect, analyse and share information more efficiently would help you to make business critical decisions faster, and to discard projects you are unlikely to win
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June- Featuring
I would like to think that the Government picked up my comment in the last newsletter about London City being more important in the future of air travel than Heathrow...
A National Digital Twin
A dynamic digital twin was created at Cambridge University's Institute for Manufacturing to test the challenges and issues associated with developing a digital model of infrastructure assets
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May- Featuring
I was invited to a very interested briefing a couple of days ago – in the House of Commons. The topic was about Quantum Computing and its impact on civilisation....
From 2D to BIM
A new 'Build to Rent' development at Pontoon Dock on the DLR provides a perfect illustration of the way processes are involved in a typical BIM project using Vectorworks software throughout
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April- Featuring
As the present seems to be very much on hold, it was refreshing to be able to spend a couple of days thinking about the directions we will be taking once we have got this Brexit business sorted out...
AI in Infrastructure
Artificial Intelligence, integrated with Bentley's Reality Modelling, is set to revolutionise the solving of design and process issues within the infrastructure industry
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March- Featuring
Within the next few days we will know whether we are in, out or stuck in the middle of the EU with the WA – or not, as the whole shooting match which has been going on for far too long may be shunted further down the road again before a final decision is made...
An ecosystem of innovation
JavaScript's flexible and simple web-enabling application gives Bentley's iModel the muscle it needs to create its industry leading 'digital twin' environments
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February- Featuring
Keep your diary open on the 5th, 6th or 7th of March as Excel is hosting the first Futurebuild exhibition – the current incarnation...
How will Brexit affect contractors in the UK?
After more than two years uncertainty still dogs the UK's role in Europe. How does this affect the construction industry? Richard Hepburn of Gorilla Accounting looks at some of the implications
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January - Featuring
The New Year has arrived with no change to the underlying narrative, and a precious few months before we ceremoniously, or unceremoniously, leave the EU...
An ecosystem of innovation
JavaScript's flexible and simple web-enabling application gives Bentley's iModel the muscle it needs to create its industry leading 'digital twin' environments
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2018 eNewsletters
December - Featuring
Digital Twinning There's lots happening about Digital Twinning at the moment, and Bentley's recent announcement focusing on its collaboration with Siemens is just the tip of the iceberg
Take your production line on the road
The M4 VIRTUAL REVIEW virtual reality viewer from CAD Schroer enables users to load 3D CAD data into a VR environment where it can be immersively viewed using VR glasses
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October - Featuring
Design Checking There's a lot of interest at the moment in design checking – seeing if what is being built tallies with the architect’s intentions. Catching any deviations from the model can save a lot of money
Invisible Superheroes
Explore the latest technologies and products that civil engineers are using to transform our future at ICE's Invisible Superheroes exhibition
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September - Featuring
It is particularly fascinating equating the use of robot technology to manufacture building components on, or near, site, as outlined by Andrew Watts of Newtecnic with a couple of articles doing the rounds of Microsoft news ...
An appointment at Istanbul City Museum
Following its involvement since the early design stage, international building engineers Newtecnic have been appointed by Salon Architects to coordinate the design of structure, facade and MEP engineering for Turkey's new Istanbul City Museum.
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August - Featuring
It is particularly fascinating equating the use of robot technology to manufacture building components on, or near, site, as outlined by Andrew Watts ...
Multiplex appeal
IFS Applications has transformed Multiplex's international operations into a true Global business, integrating its management solutions within a consistent and coherent whole
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July - Featuring
Here’s Mud in your eye – again!Some interesting points rear their head with the article on Mismanagement with Watchet Marina. ...
A new view on Oasys MassMotion
The latest release of Oasys MassMotion, the advanced pedestrian simulation and analysis software, has introduced a powerful viewer application for sharing MassMotion results
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April - Featuring
Construction Management extends well beyond BIM and involves everybody in a building project from the client, architects and engineers to contractors, suppliers and administrators. ...
Unified Real-time 3D CAD experiences
Unity Technologies, creator of the most widely-used real-time 3D development platform, have announced a strategic partnership with PiXYZ Software, a leading provider for importing and preparing large CAD data
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March - Featuring
Here’s Mud in your eye – again! Some interesting points rear their head with the article on Mismanagement with Watchet Marina...
Abvent announces Twinmotion 2018 v2
Abvent Group has launched Twinmotion 2018 v2, a major update to its award-winning 3D immersion software developed especially for architects, designers, landscapers and urban planners
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February - Featuring
Plastic demise ‘Well, this particular race appears to have prospered through the stone age, the iron and bronze ages, but succumbed to the plastic age...
Web-based real-time BIM change detection
3D Repo has announced the release of the first web based, real-time change detection software for 3D construction models...
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January - Featuring
Carillion What can one say? The fall-out from this is going to be huge. Carillion is involved in a large number of major projects – many of them...
Grasshopper-ARCHICAD Live Connection V2.0
GRAPHISOFT has announced a significant update to the Grasshopper-ARCHICAD Live Connection...
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2016 eNewsletters
December - Featuring
On-site Security We had a successful Hammers Awards this year – a record attendance and some worthy winners...
FARO sets the scene with VR
FARO has announced the release of VR-ready FARO SCENE 7.1 software...
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November - Featuring
There’s nothing artificial about intelligence Industry 4.0 appears to be rearing its head all over the place at the moment – the latest term used to describe the evolution...
Concrete steps
Autodesk enhances the precast concrete industry's off-site fabrication credentials with its Structural Precast Extension for Revit, explains Dan Peticila, Product Manager for Revit Cast in Place and Precast concrete...
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October - Featuring
Editor's Comment: Information Mismanagement Wednesday the 1st of November at the Institute of Civil Engineering in London is the date and venue of our second seminar on Information Management...
Mining pupil potential in Belfast
Pupils from eight schools in Northern Ireland have recreated the new AC by Marriott Hotel in Belfast, as part of an immersive Minecraft initiative coordinated by leading UK construction...
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September - Featuring
Editor's Comment: Disadvantaged – no way!.I am writing this half way through the Rio Paralympics, where we sit, once again, in second place on the table of medal winners, with China above us....
Free best practice E-learning courses
The Best Practice Hub - the construction industry's online platform for sharing best practice...
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August - Featuring
Editor's Comment:Brexit – the FUD Factor.It’s probably fair to say that the construction industry has been hit harder than most after the Brexit Referendum. Shares in construction companies...
Brafer creates "Nomadic Architecture" for Rio Games
Hosting the world's biggest sporting event, with ten thousand athletes from over 200 countries attending, Rio de Janeiro has had many sports facilities constructed...
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July - Featuring
Editor's Comment:Brexit – the FUD Factor. It’s probably fair to say that the construction industry has been hit harder than most after the Brexit Referendum. Shares in construction companies...
Free online guide to BIM compliance
Anew guide to BIM, created by Designing Buildings Wiki and PCSG, takes users step-by-step through the Level 2 workflows...
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June - Featuring
Editor's Comment:The LifeCycle Tower Describing the way in which the LifeCycle Tower’s sensors are used to provide feedback about the building and its occupants, Monica Menghini,...
£62.6 billion increase in the pipeline
Analysis by KPMG has revealed a £62.6bn jump in the value of the UK Government construction pipeline since August 2015, reflecting inclusion in the pipeline of the full cost of HS2 to Birmingham....
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May - Featuring
Editor's Comment:The LifeCycle Tower Describing the way in which the LifeCycle Tower’s sensors are used to provide feedback about the building and its occupants, Monica Menghini,...
Lofty solution for Brazil's tallest building
Located in the fastest growing business region of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the WTorre Morumbi...
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April - Featuring
Editor's Comment:Who will build the future? An interesting piece by thinkBIM in this issue, looking at the skills shortage in the construction industry – the big topic for 2016. Whilst thinkBIM is focussed....
Serpentine designs bring summer touch of magic
In tandem with the 16th Pavilion in 2016, the Serpentine Galleries has expanded its...
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March - Featuring
Editor's Comment:The Global Challenge for architects Kenny Ingram, from IFS, looks at how the construction industry is evolving, and one of the first points he makes is about the need for better qualified entrants into the industry because of the increased sophistication of the tools on hand....
MakerBot and Stratasys partnership
MakerBot and Stratasys have announced a sales partnership program that allows both companies to extend the cross-selling of their products...
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February - Featuring
Editor's Comment:FM Delivery It's getting pretty close to the BIM Level2 deadline, when construction companies bidding for public projects have to show that they can deliver a project complete with the level of information required by the ....
Tender is the site for construction
TenderSpace is a newly-launched web based suite of tools developed for anyone involved...
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January - Featuring
Editor's Comment:I was pleased to be able to choose Oasys MassMotion as Editors Choice for last November’s Hammers Awards. It has long been a favourite piece of software....
Capturing Exeter in 360 degrees
360 degree images captured using a SphereVision specialist recording system are...
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2015 eNewsletters
December - Featuring
Editor's Comment:We have the Power
Technology has now caught up with aspiration. We already knew how to render a scene, optimise a space, create a virtual simulation of vehicles driving along a path, and produce lifelike renditions of plants....
Industry prepares for 2016 BIM mandate
A joint initiative between the Construction Products Association (CPA), BIM4M2, the...
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November - Featuring
Editor's Comment:Digital Process Plant
How do you scale an experiment up from a benchtop full of test tubes, Bunsen burners, bell jars and whatever else it took to prove it worked, and devise a working plant to churn out the fruits of your ...
UK Tekla award winners announced
The winners of the tenth annual UK Tekla Awards 2015 have been revealed after a panel of judges...
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October - Featuring
Editor's Comment:Judgement day approaches. As you can see in this newsletter, we have the Hammers coming up once more in the middle of next month. There have been a couple of changes from last year...
Excitech attains new Pinnacle
Excitech has launched the productivity platform 'Pinnacle Series' in the UK
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September - Featuring
Editor's Comment:There are a couple of good structural engineering articles in this newsletter – one looking at Tekla’s latest application – Structural Designer, which combines structural...
So good they’re building it twice!
Nemetschek Vectorworks has becomes the headline sponsorship of Build New York Live...
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August - Featuring
Editor's Comment:There is only a couple of months to go till the Hammers - the Construction Computing Awards held during the thrid week of November - and even shorter for you to vote...
ArtSystems Focus on Innovation Open Days for Resellers
Nottingham-based distributor ArtSystems is hosting two open days in September 2015...
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July - Featuring
Editor's Comment: We have an article in the current newsletter about 5D BIM – the addition of a cost element to the BIM process to provide rolling access to the financial elements of a project...
New Knowledge Transfer Partnership for Teeside...
A North-East architects firm is attracting international clients thanks to a joint research project with...
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June - Featuring
Editor's Comment: How do you make sure your application software is going to be able to take advantage of the inevitable evolution of digital technology. If you are one of the front runners, how far ahead...
A trio of asta developments
Asta Development has officially released the second version of Asta Powerproject BIM and is rolling the product out via...
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May - Featuring
Editor's Comment: Dialled into a Bentley Conference call yesterday, an annual event given by Greg Bentley who spoke about the current performance of the company, drivers in the industry, new acquisitions...
Acute3D is Bentley's latest acquisition
Bentley Systems has been on the acquisition trail again (see CAD User, Jan-Feb 2015, page 6), adding France-based Acute3...
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April - Featuring
Editor's Comment:Polling is rife throughout the land, but here's one with a result you didn't expect. Amongst the plethora of very useful charts in the NBS National BIM Report 2015 compiled from their BIM survey...
GreenSpec move to tackle 'Greenwash'
GreenSpec's PASS Green Building Products label aims to help design professionals and the self-build audience...
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March - Featuring
Editor's Comment:After a fallow period, when Sketchup was owned by Google, and nothing much seemed to happen to it – despite widespread adoption – the popular 3D building design...
Bentley acquires UK-based C3global
B3D Laser Mapping has launched a powerful solution that, the company...
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February - Featuring
Editor's Comment:We are really on the move in this months newsletter, with a couple of articles on the rail network, and updates on the growth of mobile computing...
Bentley acquires UK-based C3global
Bentley Systems has acquired C3global, a U.K.- based provider of web-based...
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January - Featuring
Editor's Comment:After a flurry of announcements and responses last May about the winding down of the BIM Task Group, it all went quiet. We are now in the middle...
The elephant in the room
An architect and BIM Product Manager for 4Projects by Viewpoint, John Adams is inspired...
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2014 eNewsletters
December - Featuring
Editor's Comment:With apologies to the popular TV series from which I have stolen the title, but Bentley's Infrastructure Conference last month also supplied some insight into the future...
Searching for ET
The new Five hundred metre Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), built using Bentley software, wowed attendees at Bentley's...
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November - Featuring
Editor's Comment:The Bentley Infrastructure conference was held in London at the beginning of this month - a gathering of major users of Bentley's...
Coping with COBie
The COBie Toolkit for Revit automatically generates COBie worksheets from a Revit data model, easing...
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October - Featuring
Editor's Comment:A couple of months ago the worldwide student design scholarship was run, hosted by Nemetschek, and developed round Vectorworks....
NBS Plugin for Autodesk Revit
We take a look at the new NBS plugin for Revit and how it is helping users change the way they coordinate information across construction projects
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September - Featuring
Editor's Comment:Whilst we are still feeling nice and relaxed from our summer holidays, and before we plunge into....
Construction Computing Awards Finalists 2014
Time to get the thinking cap on again!
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August - Featuring
Editor's Comment:This year has passed remarkably quickly, and we are only a few short months away from this year's Hammers Awards – the event hosted by Construction Computing that celebrates those companies and software developers....
Hitting a high note in 2014
The monthly Markit/CIPS survey of purchasing managers in the construction industry is consistently reporting increased confidence levels in the industry, reflecting figures....
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July - Featuring
Editor's Comment:The comment in the latest issue of the magazine puts forward a suggestion that we compile a bucket list of modern buildings that we really ought to visit, rather like our ancestors did in Victorian Times....
BIM is a Verb
David Chadwick resumes his coverage of our recent Collaborative BIM Round Table, sponsored by Vectorworks, looking beyond the hype at some of the real issues that are beginning to emerge
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June - Featuring
Editor's Comment:It's all coming together nicely. Now that we have the construction elements of CAD working together, sharing processes and data, and honing the tools that allow disparate construction software.....
Breakdown at Work!
Bentley launches the first automated Work Packaging solution for the construction industry with its ProjectWise Construction Work Package Server.
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May - Featuring
Editor's Comment:There was a very interesting press announcement a couple of days ago - just a little bit too late to make the current hard copy issue of CAD User.....
BIM Panel
David Chadwick opens proceedings on our Collaborative BIM Round Table, with the first of two articles on the adoption and practicalities of Building Information Modelling.
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April - Featuring
Editor's Comment:The last few weeks have been busy, with a number of BIM events scattered round the country, but, for us, the main focus was the BIM Panel which we hosted for Vectorworks in the Tower Hotel at the end of the month.....
Major culture change needed for BIM?
A cultural change is required if BIM is to be properly implemented across the built environment ahead of the government's 2016 deadline
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March - Featuring
Editor's Comment:The How becomes the Why! We are in an interesting phase in building design at the moment, as we appear to be shifting away from the 'What' and the 'How' of architecture to the 'Why' and, perhaps more....
COBie for All?
The Government's BIM Task Group is setting targets for the full implementation of COBie as the basis of sharing data between all parties in the lifecycle of a building
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February - Featuring
Editor's Comment: I never thought that I would have to start another eNewsletter comment talking about the weather, but here we are, the situation is still with us, and although the weather has improved slightly...
A Better Vision of BIM
Neville Glanville, industry sales director, Bentley Systems, explains why he thinks BIM could be seen as either a business enabler or technology red herring
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January - Featuring
Editor's Comment: What a month! And it's capped off by this morning's news item about a certain body of people complaining about the Governments intention to make flood prevention schemes mandatory. Their very laudable aim is...
Be Inspired
Bentley recently put on a comprehensive programme for Bentley users and the press in Amsterdam. David Chadwick reports
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